Confession: I love cloth diapers! I never thought I'd say that, but it's true! If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen me sharing pictures of some of our diapers.
I did a ton of research while pregnant on cloth diapers. Honestly, it's more than a little overwhelming. All the information out there is great, but it's hard to figure out what you're really looking for because there's just so much!
Plus, there's so many different options available to the modern mom who wants to cloth diaper that it's easy to get intimidated. So, that's exactly what happened to me and my daughter went straight into disposables (often referred to as sposies in the cloth diapering community), just as my two boys had been.
However, almost a month ago I got turned back on to cloth diapers and finally decided to take the dive after, once again, overwhelming myself with information.
The best advice I can give is to find a support group to help to you through making your decision and to help to find the essential information. There are plenty on facebook, such as Everyday Cloth Diapering and Fluff Love & CD Science. In groups you can ask specific questions you might have and have conversations with people to help guide you in your decisions! It's so much better than giving it a go alone.
Anyway, we have really had a fantastic experience cloth diapering so far. My husband has embraced the decision, and we love all the cuteness! So bye-bye $50-$60 a month on disposables. I now have a nice and adorable stash of cloth diapers, which I can even resell when I'm done with them.
Oh and it's definitely not hard or gross, like many people assume.
I did a ton of research while pregnant on cloth diapers. Honestly, it's more than a little overwhelming. All the information out there is great, but it's hard to figure out what you're really looking for because there's just so much!

However, almost a month ago I got turned back on to cloth diapers and finally decided to take the dive after, once again, overwhelming myself with information.
The best advice I can give is to find a support group to help to you through making your decision and to help to find the essential information. There are plenty on facebook, such as Everyday Cloth Diapering and Fluff Love & CD Science. In groups you can ask specific questions you might have and have conversations with people to help guide you in your decisions! It's so much better than giving it a go alone.
Anyway, we have really had a fantastic experience cloth diapering so far. My husband has embraced the decision, and we love all the cuteness! So bye-bye $50-$60 a month on disposables. I now have a nice and adorable stash of cloth diapers, which I can even resell when I'm done with them.
Oh and it's definitely not hard or gross, like many people assume.
Have you ever thought about trying cloth diapering?