Pinterest Marketing Strategy Resources

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Pinterest Marketing
Recently, I've been lucky enough to get ViralTag and I'm ready to ramp up my Pinterest marketing strategy. I want to reach more people, gain more followers, and bring more people to the blog. However, I had no clue how to do that.

I'm using these awesome and informative links to get me started.

What's your Pinterest marketing strategy? What's your favorite type of pins to discover via Pinterest?

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  1. I dont use pinterest but still thanks for this

    1. Don't. Use. Pinterest. Whaaaaat?

  2. I need to up my Pinterest game. I checked out the best time to pin post and they don't put what timezone they are in???? I did learn some from the article. Thanks

    1. I'm posting in the times recommended but in my own time zone. The way I took it is, those times are the best times per your time at least that gives me a starting point. Then I'll probably drop a few random pins elsewhere to see if they attract any attention. Social media marketing is a lot of trial and error I think and depends on who's reading your content and their preferences.

  3. this is very helpful, thank you! I need as much help as I can get

  4. Interaction is so key on social media.. thanks for the tips!

  5. I get a lot of my blog views from my recipe posts on Pinterest. It is really becoming a popular option for people to find recipe and craft ideas

    1. Pinterest is my top referrer and I didn't even have a good strategy for using it! I'm still working out the kinks now.

  6. Anonymous6/04/2014

    Thanks for sharing this, I really need to bump my pinterest following, too. So I will be working on these, too.

    1. Me too! Was glad to have tracked these down!

  7. Great tips! Thank you for sharing this. Pinned! Visiting from Wine'd Down Wednesday.

  8. There's a couple of those I would really like to read. I appreciate these. Thanks!

  9. Such AWESOME Tips I Must Do This ASAP!!

  10. I rarely use pinterest but I am aware of how strong it can generate traffic and promotions.

  11. I suck at Pinterest! I love pinning but have no strategy. Thanks for the tips :)

  12. Anonymous6/04/2014

    I need to bump up my pinterest followers. I have to look into that viraltag.

    Michelle F.

  13. I pinned this to my BLOG board on pinterest to go over those articles later. I love Pinterest and definitely need to use it more towards my advantage! I get a lot of traffic from there but would love to get some pins to go viral- this is great!

    Thank you!

  14. I love pinterest and will definitely check out the links that you provided. Thank you for sharing.

  15. tnx for the info ;) will try it ;)

  16. I don't think I have ever thought as a business. I use Pinterest mostly as my personal board - to clip my favourite things for reference. So, I don't really look into the best or worse times to pin.

    1. On pinterest you're advised to only pin about 20% your own content, so I just schedule all the wild and awesome stuff I find so it's not clogging my followers feeds all at once.

  17. I just started using pinterest. I am still pretty lost with it.

  18. What great information! The times to pin make a lot of sense!

  19. I´ve been putting my blog posts to my one and only board on Pinterest. I still don´t know how to use it intentionally. Thanks for the lead.

  20. I always use pinterest, it is the best thing since peanut butter and jelly! I have a board with all of my blog posts then a billion others that I keep current. It has brought me alot of readers that's for sure. Thanks for this!

  21. Anonymous6/05/2014

    Awesome, great resources. I need to get more savvy on Pinterest, I see a lot of traffic coming form it.

  22. Fantastic tips for keeping the Pinterest at the forefront of marketing efforts.

  23. Thank you for the great pinterest tips! I've got this pinned to my blogging board to refer back to, hehe. :)

    1. A blogging board, eh? I've got one of those too!

  24. My pinterest boards are so unorganized. I need to do a lot of work, but have been putting it off. Thanks for the great resources.

    1. I just reorganized mine. Hopefully, they're much better now.

  25. I love me some pinterest. Thank you for this. I'll be sharing with my friends that need a little help in that area

  26. This sounds like the way to go. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Thank you! These are great tips! And now off to visit the links, lol!

  28. I had a pinterest before I had a blog. So I had my pinterest all set up and had tons of followers in the first place when my blog was all set up. BUt these are some great tips

  29. Have been using Pinterest for some time now but didn't know there was a best and worst time to pin! lol

  30. i dont really notice where my traffic comes from but a lot of people indeed says that pinterest is good

  31. I like pinterest but I never really maximized its use. I think this is a great idea.

  32. Pinterest is a great driver for us as food bloggers with targeted, quick and healthy recipes, but we're working on some new marketing strategies to utilize social media channels like Pinterest even more effectively. This is a wonderful post - thanks for the resources! :D ~Shelley

    1. Oh definitely! I pin lots of food on pinterest. I have found tons of recipes there!

  33. Thanks for the tips! We love Pinterest but need to learn how to get the most out of it. Thanks for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party.
    Glenna @ My Paper Craze

  34. Thanks Amanda! Thanks for sharing on Worthwhile Wednesdays!
    ~Allie @


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