So I've heard numerous jokes about the two things that ruin your sex life: marriage and kids. Or maybe it's just the combination of the two. I'm not sure. This post isn't just about your love life in the bedroom, though. Today, I want to talk about some tips and ideas I have for remembering
not to neglect your love life. It needs constant upkeep, too. And this isn't just for your spouse's benefit! You're a couple and this is a team effort.

Today is letter
L for the A to Z blogging challenge, so I'm presenting some tips for maintaining your love life after having kids.
Prioritize Your Relationship. Prioritize you.
We tend to not only put our relationship with our significant other on the back burner, but we also tend to push our own needs away, as well. Obviously, our children are important, and they are especially dependent on us as newborns. Therefore, first time moms and new moms might suffer hardest from this de-prioritization.
Well, I'm here to tell you
it's okay to take time away from your kid(s). Seriously, you need it. Remember that it's important not only to prioritize time with your significant other, whether it's sneaking in a movie while baby sleeps or going out on your first post-partum dinner date, but to prioritize some time for yourself, too. Whether you're mom and need to go to your girlfriend's house sans baby/kids or you're dad and you need to go to the gym for some time with your favorite tunes and gym equipment, it's important to remember that a happier
you equals a happier relationship.
Finally, it's important to prioritize your sex life. It's so easy to be too tired or too busy. Seriously, though, stop. Sex is part of a healthy relationship both before and after children. Make an effort. Make it important. Send the kids to bed early. Sneak in an afternoon quickie or good morning wake up. Find a way to let your partner know that they're still important and you still enjoy being intimate with them.
Try Something New.
Maybe your relationship is feeling a little stale. Maybe you're feeling all
"been there, done that". Well, find something new for you and your honey to do together. Never had Thai food? Try it! Never been disco roller skating? Go! Just discovered the kama sutra? Time to start trying out some new moves! Seriously, though, sometimes your relationship just needs a little spice to kick start things. There's always something out there for you to try that's new or a new way of doing something old.
Be Bold.
Is there something you've always been a little scared to do, but kind of wanted to? Is there something your significant other has expressed interest in that you've been too chicken or self-conscious to try? Similar to trying something new, this one's a little harder for us to do. Maybe it's time to close your eyes and dive feet first into something crazy or go all out and surprised your love by doing something a little out of ordinary for you.
Take Interest in Him/Her.
Maybe you could care less about old western movies. Maybe your significant other doesn't understand your fascination with a good mystery novel. It's important to take an interest in your honey and take the time to explore things they enjoy with them. You don't have to feel the same way they do about it, just let them know that you understand and that their interests are important to you.
Have Fun. Be silly.
Calm down. Take a chill pill. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at each other. Laugh at your struggles. Got puke in your hair? Okay, so it is
kind of funny. Do something outrageous. Act like a goof ball. Better yet, make complete fools out of yourselves! Whether you're being a kid or just being downright ridiculous, laughter is healing. So, laugh more. Together.
Love is like a garden--taking care of the small weeds is so much easier...
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