I'm not sure when or where I discovered homemade fortune cookies on the internet. It was probably
Pinterest. I have been meaning to make them for a while now, and Valentine's Day seemed
perfect! I literally made these on Wednesday. What is with all you people making your Valentine's crafts in January?
I'm pretty sure my seven year-old will be the only child in class with fortune cookies, let alone homemade ones. Plus, me excluded, everyone at my house loves Chinese restaurants and fortune cookies! My husband said these were the best tasting fortune cookies ever! What wife doesn't feel totally accomplished and flattered when her husband says something like that?
Homemade Fortune Cookies
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Cook Time: 5 minutes per batch
- Total Time: Varies
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup white sugar
- 1/8 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 large egg white
- 1 Tbsp melted butter (optional)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
- Coat cookie sheet with butter/nonstick spray.
- Combine vanilla and egg white and stir until frothy.
- Add in flour, butter, salt, and sugar.
- Scoop out in teaspoon fulls. May take some practice to find the right size.
- Only cook 2-3 at a time, until you know for sure you can cook more.
- Bake for 5 minutes or until 1/4" of the rim is golden brown.
- Remove from oven and fold over fortune paper. If needed, drape over the side of a measuring cup to create the pinch.
- Place inside muffin cups to hold shape until cooled.
Free Valentine's Day Fortune Cookie Printable
Click image to go to dropbox download.

I've never tried making fortune cookies- these would be so cute for Valentine's! :)