The Lego Movie

Official The Lego Movie Poster
Official Lego Movie poster. Does not belong to me.

In case any of you were wondering, I was not endorsed in any way for this post. My kids just really love Lego-themed games and movies, especially when their favorite superheroes make an appearance.

I don't think we've been to the movies as a family since Wall-E came out in theaters. It's expensive and kids aren't always the best theater guests, and I'm not a huge movie goer anyway. That's more my husband's thing.

Quick Ratings

  • Story: 4/5
  • Graphics: 5/5
  • Entertainment: 4.75/5
  • Overall: 4.75/5
Boasting beautiful animation, a charming voice cast, laugh-a-minute gags, and a surprisingly thoughtful story, The Lego Movie is colorful fun for all ages. -Quoted from Rotten Tomatoes
I think the movie started just a tad too slow; but maybe that's because I had an anxious 3.5 year-old who decided he loved the movie the minute Batman appeared, and not a second earlier. However, Gabe (3.5 years-old) and Talon (7 years-old), both enjoyed this movie a lot. My husband and I enjoyed it too, making it a great family movie choice.

Batman & Wild Style The Lego Movie Retrieved from Rotten Tomatoes.

Gabriel was a little antsy, at first, but I think having to sit through a bunch of previews that he didn't care about contributed to that. Otherwise, we made it through 90% of the movie before we took a mini break to refill the popcorn and drink we shared between the four of us. When we got back, Gabe sat on the floor with his head smooshed between two seats in front of us and was glued to the movie screen.

We were forced to sit through the credits while my kids named off the color legos in the background images and Gabriel rated the colors a 'yes' or a 'no.' Talon has already decided we need to buy it when it comes out. This movie was a great choice, and I'm so glad that we went to see it. If you were wondering, my favorite character is Firestar (the unicat thing).


  1. Looks like such a great movie. Cannot wait to see it.

  2. My husband plays Lego Marvels and my 2 and 4 year old will climb up on the couch with remote controls that don't work, just to play, and the kids love watching the cartoon on netflix. There's something about legos!

    1. I would like to buy that game for my kids, but we haven't yet.

  3. Anonymous2/11/2014

    I'm taking my nephew to see that one. He loves legos.

    Michelle F>

  4. This movie looks great! I can't wait to see it!

  5. My kids have the Lego Star Wars movie, and it's really fun! I'm sure that they'd enjoy seeing The Lego Movie too!

  6. We saw it on Sunday. It was good!

  7. Aww this looks so cute! I love little kid movies. I am such a dork!

  8. my son is a lego maniac! he cannot wait to see it.. and he is 13!

  9. Love it when there's a successful family activity! Sounds like the movie's a winner.

  10. This looks like a great movie. I don't mind spending a few minutes watching animated movies.

  11. I haven't decided yet if I want to watch it. My son isn't really into Legos yet, so I'm not sure he'd like it.

  12. It definitely looks like a great movie. My son LOVES Legos so I am sure this would be right up his alley.

  13. My kids don't seem at all interested in this movie, but they do love the Lego Batman game!

    1. Lego Batman shows up pretty early and is party of the movie throughout, so you might want to think about it. :) My youngest was more interested in all the familiar super heroes that showed up than the actual story. Oh and he liked the action scenes.

  14. My boys can't stop talking about this movie. They want to go and see it again..With ME!

    1. That's a good thing, right?!

  15. Haven't seen it yet, but my hubby was asking if we should go. I'll have to take him to it :)

  16. We are hoping to go see this movie this week, my kids love Lego's!

  17. I hear you. Kids are crazy about Lego. Mine is only 2 1/2 yo and when she's heard Lego Movie she's suddenly became so excited although until then she's never mentioned anything.


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